

We come to this life with plans to
grow and evolve our soul

We are all magnificent souls working together to learn, grow and evolve.

We connect with people and animals whose behaviors help us notice what we believe about ourselves.

When we are conscious of these beliefs, we can choose to live more authentically, and experience the joy that comes with it.

When we are open to exploring these lessons, we gain clarity about our authentic self and can embrace the truth of who we really are.





Release trapped emotions and energetic blockages to shift behavior patterns and restore balance

There are many different ways to help bring ourselves back into energetic balance. Sometimes we need Reiki, other times we may need sound healing. Law of Attraction work, or Belief Code® may be what our soul is calling for today.

Working alongside your Guides, in these powerful healing sessions I’ll intuitively call in exactly what YOU need at that moment.



Clear old patterns and discover your strength, your gifts, your TRUTH.

The Soul Level Intuitive Coaching® process brings clarity about why you make the choices you make, and helps you shift negative beliefs that have weighed you down for far too long.

We’ll work together to shift beliefs that no longer serve you so you feel empowered to move forward. Open your eyes to new possibilities for your life.

SOUL LEVEL animal communication®


Find out what your animal REALLY wants you to know!

Animals are wise teachers who see you through eyes of unconditional love. They look into your soul and know your truth and your potential. Their lessons empower you and push you further than you think you can go. They see you.

During your animal communication session, I’ll intuitively connect with you and your animal and share the information your animal wants you to know.